Scholarship 搜索 in Partnership with 学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)®

Get matched with scholarships made for you and apply online today! Get the funding you need to make your dreams a reality. 

A nationwide search tool with over 3.5 million scholarships

Use this valuable search tool to get matched with a wide variety of scholarships. This powerful database includes over 3.5 million scholarship opportunities totaling over $18 billion dollars for higher education. Simply complete the online profile form below and automatically get results with relevant scholarships, application due dates and links to apply online!

Webinar: How to Pay for College

In this webinar Jeff Lackey, 来自萨莉·梅, provides information on how to navigate the onerous process of paying for college. You will explore various ways to save for college, tuition payment options, 包括赠款, 贷款, 和奖学金, as well as strategies for minimizing the cost of college.

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FASFA® (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

If you’re a dependent student, you’ll need to provide the following:
  • Your Social Security number
  • Your parents' Social Security numbers (if applicable)
  • You and a parent will need a FSA (Federal Student Aid ID)*

*To access the FAFSA and sign the form electronically. Your FSA ID must be obtained at before you start the FAFSA, and we recommend applying 3-5 days before you plan on starting the FAFSA.

Submission time frames:

Academic year 2024-2025: Submit your FASFA between December 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024

Academic year 2025-2026: Submit your FASFA between October 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025

FASFA tips to keep in mind:

  • Filing the FAFSA is free—you should never be asked to pay to complete the form.
  • If your financial aid status has changed, you must complete the FAFSA with the information required, and then follow up with your school’s financial aid office for further advice.
  • To be eligible for federal financial aid, you must file the FAFSA for each year you’ll be in school.



Make Higher Education a Reality

Get the money you need to help make your higher education happen with our student loan options from Cal Coast in partnership with 学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)®


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